
Hi! My name is Alexander Agadjanian. I use this blog to study questions related to politics and political science, and as a way to record my thoughts and ideas in these areas. I typically use surveys–in raw data form or polling results–to examine topics in public opinion, elections, and American political behavior more broadly, as well as methodological ideas specific to social science and survey work.

For the best sense of what I do on this blog and areas I’m particularly interested in, check this link for some of the bigger pieces I’ve done.

Check this link (some overlap with the previous one) for blog posts and analysis I’ve worked on that appear on other platforms.

Otherwise, I organize my blog posts into five sometimes overlapping themes:

  1. Survey Data” (using raw survey data for blog posts, data analysis, and visualizations, coming from sources such as the ANES, CCES, and GSS; this is related to elections, public opinion, and more)
  2. Elections” (using any data related to past/present/future elections and focusing on topics related to election outcomes; that includes but is not limited to polling data, turnout data, county-level returns, and raw survey data)
  3. Survey Methodology” (I use this very broad term for my work on methodological decisions in surveys and social science tools related to surveys; this work looks at concepts such as nonresponse bias, differences in results by survey mode, presentation of survey results, and how we use survey questions to capture underlying attitudes)
  4. Polling” (using available polling results from different pollsters and sources, covering polling error in the 2016 election, approval ratings, polling differences by survey mode, in-house effects, and universe/population effects, and more)
  5. Public Opinion” (this has a lot of overlap with other sections, but generally involves using raw survey data moslty unrelated to election outcomes; examples include studying racial attitudes, opinions of pro-choicers vs. pro-lifers, partisanship, and opinions among non-voters)
  6. Miscellaneous” (this currently only has one piece where I use data proxying media coverage back in the 2016 primary; I’ll put any work unrelated to the previous five sections here)

My most recent work can be found on my main page.


Feel free to get in touch with me through email: aagadjanian96 [at] gmail [dot] com

Or reach out through Twitter: @A_agadjanian


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